For coronary heart disease, everyone has heard about it, so who is easy to get coronary heart disease? Letting the public understand the risk factors for coronary heart disease and calling for people to pay attention to cardiovascular health are the responsibility of doctors. Cardiology department of Beijing Royal Integrative Medicine Hospital (Anzhen team) work tirelessly to save more patients.

Coronary heart disease is the result of long-term effects of multiple factors. Epidemiological and laboratory studies have shown that hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and smoking are major causes of coronary heart disease and are known as major risk factors. So what kind of person is easy to get coronary heart disease?

Chen Mingzhe

一、Alcoholic Drinker:Drinking a lot can increase the burden on the heart and liver. A large amount of alcohol directly damages the myocardium, causing myocardial energy metabolism disorder, and inhibits lipoprotein lipase, which promotes the synthesis of pre-beta lipoprotein, causing triglycerides to rise and promote atherosclerosis. The research of quantitative alcohol consumption indicates: regardless of age size, anyone who drinks alcohol over 1.5kg the death rate is double of him for coronary heart disease; instead, drinking a little premium liqueur (0.5 kg once a month) is good for preventing coronary heart disease.

二、Hypertensive Patients:Hypertension is closely related to the formation and development of coronary atherosclerosis. Systolic blood pressure is more predictive of coronary heart disease than diastolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure of 140-149 mmhg is more likely to increase the risk of death from coronary heart disease than the diastolic blood pressure of 90-94 mmhg.

Zhang Jinrong

三、Obese Persons:The obese has a higher incidence of coronary heart disease, especially for those who gain weight in the short term or are extremely obese, the incidence is higher. Because of excessive weight gain, both heart load and blood pressure rise. High-calorie dietary in taking can increase blood lipids and blood pressure levels, and coronary atherosclerosis will form and worsen. The decrease in physical activity after obesity hinders the formation of collateral circulation in patients with coronary atherosclerotic lesions. However, if you do not consider age or do not have hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc., obesity cannot be a real risk factor.

四、Smoker:The mortality rate of coronary heart disease is significantly and positively correlated with smoking, and people who started smoking before adulthood are more harmful. According to China's data, the incidence of coronary heart disease for that smoke a lot is more than 2.6 times higher than that of non-smokers, and the incidence of angina is more than 3.6 times higher.The smoke of a cigarette contains 40 mg of tar, 3 mg of nicotine and 30 mg of carbon monoxide. When these three substances are absorbed into the blood, nicotine directly stimulates the vasomotor center and stimulates the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine, causing increased heart rate, peripheral vasoconstriction, and blood pressure to rise, then damages the vascular endothelium and also increases blood cholesterol levels.Carbon monoxide will make blood oxygen concentration reduced, insufficient oxygen supply for tissues, and edema of the inner wall of the artery, endothelial damage, and lipid infiltration into the blood vessel wall, which promotes the formation of atherosclerosis. People who have already had coronary heart disease can accelerate their disease progression and cause heart attacks. When smoke a lot, due to hypoxia and increased cardiac excitability, severe arrhythmia such as ventricular fibrillation can be induced, which is one of the causes of sudden death.

Like many diseases, the earlier the coronary heart disease is discovered, the more timely the treatment, the better the treatment effect.

People who are over 40 years old, smoke for a long term, have high blood pressure or diabetes, obesity, family history of coronary heart disease, hyperlipidemia, and have a long-term high-fat diet, if the following 8 symptoms appear, you must go to the hospital for further examination. The prevention of coronary heart disease is more important than treatment.
1. Those who when they are tired or mentally stressed, there is a pain in the back of the sternum or in the precordial area, or a contraction-like pain, and it is radiated to the left shoulder and the left upper arm for 3-5 minutes.
2. Those who have chest distress, palpitations, shortness of breath during physical activity and self-relieving during rest.
3. Those who have exercise-related headaches, toothaches, leg pains, etc.
4. Those who have chest pain, heart palpitations when eating fully, cold or watching a thrilling movie.
5. Those who when they are sleep at night, if the pillow is low, you will have chest distress and suffocation, and a high pillow is needed to feel comfortable.
6. Those who suffering from palpitation, chest distress, shortness of breath or chest pain when having sex or forced defecation.
7. Those who have palpitation and chest distress when hearing noise.
8. Those who have repeated pulse irregularities and too fast or too slow heartbeat for unknown reasons.