In order to provide patients with preventative health services in support of the “Healthy China 2030” initiative, Beijing Royal Integrative Hospital, we will be offering Baduanjin Qigong instruction led by the Preventative Health Center’s Deputy Chief Physician, Wang Yinghui, and every Wednesday afternoon from 14:00-16:00 on the center’s third floor.


The Baduanjin is a sequence of comprehensive physical qigong exercises that can be performed independently. The technique has been widely taught during their long 800 year history, which is recorded as early as the Northern Song Dynasty, and has enjoyed tremendous popularity. The ancients regarded the movements as extremely effective at curing illness and maintaining health. “Jin” refers to the highly structured arrangement of precision movements. There are eight parts to the practice so it is called the Baduanjin.

What are the physical benefits of Baduanjin Qigong? In general, the practice enriches the body’s Yin and assists the Yang, cultivates the primal source and boosts energy, courses the meridians, improves circulation and moistens the skin and mucous membranes. Long-term practice strengthens the body, heightens the senses, and increases longevity. In modern medical terms, it enhances all bodily functions by mobilizing all the joints and muscles of the body, mediating psychological stress, improving metabolism, strengthening the heart and lungs, and promoting circulation.

The Baduanjin is practiced in the following sequence:

1.Raise both hands to the sky, regulate the San Jiao.

2.Stretch a bow to the left and right as if shooting game.

3.Regulating the spleen and stomach requires raising one hand.

4.Lean your head back and stare behind to alleviate fatigue and emotional stress.

5.Roll and shake your head and backside to disperse nerves and anger.

6.Run your hands along your legs to secure the kidneys and strengthen the lower back.

7.Clench your fists and widen your eyes to build energy.

8.Hands on the lower back and bounce lightly seven times to fight illness.

The Baduanjin’s entire sequence is gentle, transitioning smoothly between movements. The mix of relaxation and tension, stillness and movement, regulates physiological cycles and metabolism, straightens bones and softens tight muscles and tendons. This type of qigong practice primarily entails proper posture and rounded movements, energetic and soft, aiming for relaxation and flexibility, and awareness of one’s body.

For our more “sedentary” white collar friends, exercise can be daunting. However, the Baduanjin combines the strengths of Channel-changing Scripture and Tai Chi. It is simple to learn. The movements are quite gentle and not flamboyant. They stretch the meridians without excessive force, allowing for persistent practice. Let’s practice together! Feel free to call us with your questions: 81779999-6332

Let’s listen to Mrs. Liu and Mr. Zhang, who started practicing the Baduanjin in April, 2018, discuss their personal experiences with it.